Your trusted adviser for R&D Tax Credits and R&D Grants

R&D Tax Credits

R&D Tax Credits enable Irish businesses developing new and improved products, processes or services to receive a tax deduction or cash payment from Revenue. Eligible companies can enjoy tax credits worth 30% of their qualifying expenditure.

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R&D Tax Credits

What are R&D Tax Credits?

The R&D Tax Credit incentive is designed to encourage innovation in Irish companies. It provides a 30% tax credit for R&D activities, boosting cash flow or reducing a company's tax bill.

The R&D tax credit rate is 30% of qualifying expenditures for accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2024. For periods starting before 1 January 2024, the rate is 25%.

Claiming your entitlement requires some know-how; an R&D technical report and detailed report on costs claimed are essential to make a robust claim.

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Who is eligible for R&D Tax Credits?

Who is eligible for R&D Tax Credits?

Any company in any industry may be eligible for R&D Tax Credits. As long as;

  • It pays Corporation Tax in Ireland
  • It performs qualifying R&D activities in Ireland, the European Economic Area (EEA) or the United Kingdom (UK).
  • Its R&D expenditure does not qualify for a tax deduction in another country.

What’s the process to claim R&D tax credits?

R&D tax credit claims are processed by Revenue as part of your Corporation Tax return, and you can make a claim within 12 months of the end of the accounting period.

We recommend producing an R&D tax claim report that justifies the technical advancements and uncertainties involved, along with a detailed breakdown of the eligible expenditure being claimed on a project-by-project basis.

The claim is submitted through the Revenue Online Service (ROS) as part of the Corporation Tax Return. For accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2024, companies claiming the credit for the first time must notify Revenue before making their claim. This requirement also applies to companies that have not claimed the credit in the previous three years. A pre-filing notification form must be submitted at least 90 days before the claim is made.

To maximise your R&D claim, we recommend consulting with an R&D tax specialist to ensure you’re claiming everything you’re entitled to and not leaving money on the table.

Timeline 1

R&D Tax Credits Calculator

Our R&D tax credits calculator will provide you with an estimate of the corporation tax savings or cash payment that you may receive from Revenue following a claim for R&D tax relief.

What size is your company?

What is this? A micro/small company is defined as a company with fewer than 50 employees and with either an annual turnover and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding €10 million.

A medium/large company is defined as a company with more than 50 employees and with either an annual turnover and/or an annual balance sheet total exceeding €10 million.

What is your annual R&D costs on staff, software & consumable items?

What is this? Staff costs include gross pay, NI ERS and company pension payments. Agency labour cost is restricted to 65% of the invoice value. Software license costs relate to costs expensed to the P&L account and not treated as a fixed asset. Consumable costs relate to items that are consumed or transformed during the development process such as materials, components and electricity or gas etc.

Enter Amount

What is your annual expenditure (before VAT) on R&D activities contracted to a University or Institute of Higher Education (€)

What is this? R&D cost paid to a university or institute of higher education in any relevant EU member state can be claimed.

Enter Amount

What is your annual expenditure on agency workers & contractors

What is this? Enter the annual expenditure on sub-contractors who are involved with R&D activities.

Enter Amount

Enter the annual expenditure (before VAT) on buildings, plant and machinery for R&D (€)

What is this? Expenditure on the construction or refurbishment of a building, plant and machinery used for R&D activities may qualify where such expenditure qualifies for capital allowances.

Enter Amount

We estimate you can save:


Contact our R&D tax specialists to make sure your R&D tax relief
claim is fully maximised.

Get in touch to make your claim

How we can help

Myriad is your trusted and experienced R&D tax credit partner. Our professional and friendly team of expert tax advisors, qualified accountants, and industry-experienced technical specialists have helped innovative Irish businesses make successful R&D tax claims for several years. Partnering with Myriad means your claim is robust, compliant and optimised.

With a thorough analysis of every project, our professionals will analyse your project from a scientific & technological perspective to ensure it qualifies under the scheme's ever-changing guidelines before proceeding any further.

About Myriad
R&D tax credits ireland video
  • As experts in R&D tax services, we pride ourselves on delivering value and affordability for our clients. We offer a success fee-only basis platform that ensures satisfaction with every claim!
  • Let us take the reins of your R&D tax claim and make it as effortless as possible. Our expertise ensures a smooth progression from start to finish, with minimal disruption!
  • Our tax experts can identify all your qualifying projects and expenses, from the obvious to those often overlooked. With years of experience in this field, we cover all bases.

Tax Cloud, Ireland's #1 R&D Tax Credits Portal

Tax Cloud is our online R&D tax credit portal, the first created in Ireland.

It is ideal for small & medium-sized businesses requiring guidance in making a robust and maximised R&D claim but not full consultancy.

Visit Tax Cloud


Our results

  • Since the scheme's inception, we have proudly offered our clients expert guidance on R&D tax credit claim strategies. Our experience and continued success rate speak volumes to the quality of service you can expect when working with us.
  • Our team has achieved extraordinary success in increasing the value of R&D claims previously made by our clients.
  • Our team of specialists are well-equipped to provide reliable research and development tax credit expertise for various industries, ranging from engineering & manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and software to digital design, immersive technologies and many more.

Does your business qualify?

Speak to our experts today to see if your activities qualify.


Frequently asked questions

For accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2024, the current R&D tax credit rate is 30% of qualifying expenditure.

Where a company has insufficient Corporation Tax against which to claim the R&D tax credit in a given accounting period, the tax credit may be:

  • Credited against the Corporation Tax for the preceding period,
  • Carried forward indefinitely, or
  • Allocated to other group members, if the company is part of a group.

Where a company has offset the credit against the Corporation Tax of the current and preceding accounting periods and an excess amount remains, it may claim to have the excess amount paid to it by Revenue.

For accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2024:

  • The first instalment is the greater of €50,000 (or the amount of the R&D corporation tax credit claimed, if lower) or 50% of the amount of the R&D corporation tax credit claimed. This threshold increases to €70,000 for accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2025.
  • The second instalment is three-fifths of any balance of the remaining R&D corporation tax credit.
  • The third instalment is any balance of the remaining R&D corporation tax credit, provided the amount claimed is less than the first and second instalments combined. Certain payments can be made directly to key individuals.

The R&D Corporation Tax Credit is not offset against the company’s Corporation Tax (CT) liabilities. The company must elect to have the instalment treated as an overpayment, which can either:

  • Be offset against other tax liabilities, or
  • Be repaid by Revenue.

The previous payroll tax restrictions on the refundable element of the R&D tax credit have been removed, making the entire R&D tax credit amount refundable. The legislation now requires a company to make a "valid claim" before Revenue can process any refund or offset. The final instalment is paid no earlier than 24 months after the first instalment, provided any remaining balance exists after reducing the company's Corporation Tax liability for the following accounting period.

Many businesses don’t realise that they are undertaking eligible qualifying activities. It is not uncommon for their accountants to forget to tell them about R&D tax credits or even to tell them that they don’t qualify. If your technical lead (the R&D manager, lead engineer, or lead developer) is struggling to overcome the technical challenges of your project – if they are scratching their head wondering how to proceed or losing sleep worrying about the technical uncertainties they face – your project will almost certainly qualify for R&D tax credits. More details can be found in our blog: What Kind Of Irish Companies Can Apply For R&D Tax Credits?

In terms of qualifying tasks, the following activities would be considered eligible for R&D tax credits:

  • Defining technical objectives.
  • Identifying uncertainties.
  • Feasibility studies.
  • Reviewing new and competing technologies.
  • Analysing, designing and developing the technology.
  • Producing technical specifications or other documents to explain and support the R&D project and advancement.
  • Testing the product, process or software.
  • Planning and managing projects.

In addition, certain indirect support activities may qualify for R&D tax credits, such as:

  • Administration, finance, and personnel services specifically required to support R&D activities.
  • Training to support R&D.

You can claim relief of 25% on qualifying expenses. For accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2024, the rate has increased to 30%.

The main areas of cost that can be claimed are:

  • Staff costs (salaries, company pension contributions, employer's Pay-Related Social Insurance [PSRI], bonus payments, and health insurance).
  • Agency workers (externally provided workers).
  • Plant & machinery costs for R&D.
  • Materials used in R&D or prototyping.
  • Materials used in R&D or prototyping.
  • Subcontractors.
  • Work subcontracted to a university or institute of higher education
  • Rent (only special areas required for R&D, such as a laboratory or clean room)
  • Cloud computing costs
  • Other overheads restricted to heat, light and power

It is not uncommon for an R&D team to consist of many individuals from different parts of the business. Your R&D project team may include the R&D Manager, a Lead Developer, Engineers, Project Co-ordinators, CAD Engineers, Quality Control and Testing specialists, and Cost Accountants, as well as members of the senior management team.

A business must submit its R&D tax credit claim within 12 months of the end of the accounting period during which the R&D activities took place.

To make a claim, the business must complete the CT1 form through the Revenue Online Service (ROS).

Revenue will not allow a late claim based on insufficient time or being unaware of the R&D tax credits scheme.

When Revenue receives a claim, it follows one of two processes:

  • If the R&D credit is used only to offset corporation tax liabilities, it is processed without manual checks.
  • Suppose the claim is for a payable credit. In that case, Revenue will carry out certain verification checks, such as ensuring that all returns are up to date, reviewing the computation and checking the previous claim. Where no issue arises, standard processing continues. Revenue performs an intervention (an audit) if an issue is found.

We strongly advise a claim for R&D tax credit be supported by a detailed report outlining the technical advancement and uncertainties and a detailed breakdown of the eligible R&D costs.

Section 766 (qualifying activities) of the CT1 return must be completed within 12 months of the end of the accounting period in which the business incurred the R&D expenditure.

One of the conditions for a company to make an R&D tax credit claim is that the claimant company must carry out the qualifying R&D activity. There are two situations in which relief is available to a company that has not carried out all the qualifying R&D work:

  • A company which carries out qualifying R&D activities and pays a university or institute of higher education to carry out qualifying R&D activities can claim credits, limited to 5% of the expenditure incurred by the Company itself on R&D activities or €100,000, whichever is greater
  • A company which carries out qualifying R&D activities and pays another person who is not a connected party to carry out qualifying R&D activities for the Company can claim credits, restricted to 15% of the expenditure incurred by the Company itself on R&D activities or €100,000, whichever is greater.

In either case, the Company must incur at least the same expenditure on qualifying activities it carried out, and the subcontracted activity must be eligible as R&D in its own right. The Company must notify the subcontracted party in writing that they may not make an R&D tax credit claim for these activities.

Any expenditure met directly or indirectly by any grant aid or assistance from the state, or any public or local authority of any other agency of the state or another relevant EU or EEA member state will not qualify for R&D tax credits.

This means that if your company has received a relatively small grant, your company could lose money overall, as the grant can significantly reduce what your company can claim in tax relief. You should always seek professional advice when making an R&D tax credit claim.

(See also: R&D Grants)

Common examples of software development projects that may qualify for R&D tax credits include:

  • State-of-the-art software for new projects or new functionality for existing R&D projects.
  • Tools to extend the functionality of application software programs or an operating system.
  • Extensions to database software, programming languages, or operating systems.
  • Software development tools, such as tools to port data across platforms, tools for image processing or character recognition.
  • Novel data management techniques, such as new object representations and new data structures.
  • Innovative methods of capturing, transmitting, manipulating, and protecting data.
  • Software to run new computer hardware.
  • Software to run on devices with pre-installed operating systems, such as handheld GPS, mobile phones, and tablets, or
  • Means of integrating hardware and software platforms.

Common examples of product and process development projects that may qualify for R&D tax relief include:

  • Innovative product development using computer-aided design tools
  • Development of second-generation or improved products.
  • Tooling and equipment fixture design and development.
  • Developing unique computer numerical control programs.
  • Designing innovative programmable logic controllers.
  • Designing innovative manufacturing equipment.
  • Prototyping and three-dimensional solid modelling.
  • Designing and developing cost-effective and innovative operational processes.
  • Integrating new materials to improve product performance and manufacturing processes.
  • Evaluating and determining the most efficient flow of material.
  • Designing and assessing process alternatives.
  • Designing, constructing, and testing product prototypes.
  • Developing processes that would meet increasing regulatory requirements; or,
  • Streamlining manufacturing processes through automation.

A Revenue intervention of an R&D claim consists of two tests:

  • The "science" test ensures that the activities included in the claim meet the statutory definition of R&D activity.
  • The "accounting" test ensures that the costs incurred in the qualifying activity have adequately been tracked and accounted for.

Revenue has a panel of experts that it consults with as required when completing the science test.

More details can be found in our blog: What is the Revenue's "Science Test" for R&D tax credit?

Revenue can audit any R&D tax claim made up to four years from the end of the claim's accounting period. Revenue will often ask claimants to provide information about the basis of the claim and may carry out more formal desk and field audits. A claim that is overstated or does not meet the R&D tax credit scheme requirements must either be repaid in part or in full, with interest, and Revenue may also raise a penalty.

Companies making an R&D tax credit claim must maintain contemporaneous and relevant records of the expenditure incurred in the R&D activities. The quality and quantity of the records kept can affect the outcome of an audit. For this reason, many companies choose to work with an R&D consultant as they can handle any enquiries from Revenue on your behalf.


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